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Board Effectiveness Reviews  ~  By Directors, For Directors


We are a small team of experienced main board directors in a variety of listed companies and organisations.  We like to understand the history and aims of the companies we are commissioned to advise.  


We explore the workings of boards through interviews, not through questionnaires and templates,

and we write reports in clear, intelligible prose.

'..By introducing a fresh perspective and new ways of thinking, with a critical eye to board composition, dynamics and effectiveness..'

Financial Reporting Council, Guidance on Board Effectiveness, July 2018

Board Effectiveness Reviews - Why use Board Level Partners?


Steeped in board level culture ourselves, we understand the pressures boards face 

and the issues that may impact long term effectiveness.

We regard a successful board review as inherently collaborative,

with the main parameters set by the board itself.

We do not approach a board review as a compliance exercise.

We do not use questionnaires nor do we tick boxes.

We offer clients informal support in the two years following an external review. 

Why use Board Level Partners?
More details of BLP approach to Board Evaluatios
Partner biographies

Our Partners

Lady Balfour, our Chairman, and Alexandra Mackesy, our founding partner, lead our reviews, supported by Deborah Strong.

At least two of our partners will conduct your appraisal, as we believe this gives you a useful, diverse view.

They may be supported by specialised consultants.



Alexandra Mackesy   +44 (0)7733 232106

Board Level Partners Limited

Board Level Partners is a Limited Company registered in England: No. 12377038  Icomb Edge, Bledington, Chipping Norton, Gloucestershire OX7 6XL UK

VAT Registration No.12377038

© Board Level Partners 2023

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